Saturday, January 19, 2008

100 % success last year on private land!

Ray had patience. After a few tries he drew a limited quota permit for the private land we hunt. His reward was this 310 bull late in October 2007.

Paul and Steve both drew tags for private land. Archery is their game so we hunted during the rut in September. We saw non-stop action nearly all day, every day. Both had hunted elk on their own many times, however their first guided hunt provided them both with their first archery bull elk. Steve took this 6 point and Paul collected a 5 point in Sept. of 2007.

Our clients had 100% success on the private land and 100% shooting on public land.

For your guided hunt, call us for success! 307-327-5539

Platt's Guides and Outfitters.

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