Tuesday, January 1, 2008

B&C Trophy Hunts

Ron Hale got an official B&C 86 Antelope this fall. He went hunting with his two grandsons. Everyone had great opportunities for shots at trophy antelope. Our guide was Starr Cooke.

Platt Outfitting hunts 5 differnet private land areas in Carbon County, Wyoming - known for the best antelope hunting around. Carbon County produces more trophy Boone and Crocket Antelope than any other county in the nation. Check out our website for more pictures! http://www.plattoutfitting.com/

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Platt ranch is beautiful, my stepfather Vernon Platt took my mother and I out there when I was about ten,Ronald Platt,Ralph Platt and his wife Harriet Platt kept me busy. Harriet(now passed)and I would go to the garden pick the veges,then get to the freezer and make dinner-elk,deer,antelope or Ron and Ralph would take me fishing and that was dinner. I remember so much about it as a kid, even though I went up there only about 4 times, last time I was 15.We went there one christmas, how beautiful,and cold, I was a southern california girl,not outfitted for that weather,brrr. All memories are fond, I met Ralphs mom and pop,greatgrandpop was one rough mountain man and greatgrandma was a busy woman with her homemade quilts, keeping up the house and garden,feeding grandpop after his day out fixing things taking care of his place. He was funny, he used to try and scare me with the heads of the bears,lion,elks,moose,etc,he said they would come alive at night, I think i maybe stayed one night. Then he took me to the family plots of those passed that had homesteaded and started the ranch, i wasnt scared, i was intrigued at the dates 1800's etx. A lot has changed sinced then!But not the beauty,the good people and everything thats on Ron And Mayvon Platt. Im going back soon as i can. Lisa D.Platt Akelian